The world is disorganized, so am I. Get used to it

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Sunday, September 17, 2006


So yea srry havent really been rememberin to update this thing srry, but anyways so planning 10 is like the most borin course ever but I guess i have to get through it but im gettin some help wit that and so far science is actually okay even though we're doin biology right now and thats never been a favourite of mine but its been fun so far, and math is math normally i enjoy it and all but i dont know so far its not the greatest but then agin its only been like 2 weeks so I'll see wat next week brings and hope for the best and luckily the field there really is great for suntaning in fourth blk but i was supposed to visit parklands at the end of 4th blk on friday which i didnt make and am very srry about but i think im gunna visit parklands either monday or friday this week depending on my work load and schedule so ppl @ parklnds u will either see me on monday or friday @ the end of blk 4 outside Mr.Fitz's room waitin for the little bro to get outta socials and surprise him so yea anyways hope evryone had a way better weekend then i did which wouldnt be hard to accomplish and i hope everyone has a good week and i'll keep u guys updated so yea ttyl

Friday, September 08, 2006

So Far

Ya so far schools pretty good my friend Amber and Sean both just got put in my Planning 10 class blk 1 and my T.A gives us food in the morning so far today one kid brought cookies and the T.As assiatant brought banana bread, so thats cool. Also it turns out a friend o mine Kurtis is in my math 10 class blk 2 and science 10 blk 3 just really isnt that bad the class has a couple funny class clowns so so far its good and its awesome having blk 4 for a spare cause on fridays I can be home before Kyle even gets off school and on other days same thing but usually I just go suntan in the field and talk to a couple of my friends who are in a woood class its sumthin like carpentry and joinery or sumthin cause they work outside by the portables kinda on a corner of the field so yah sp far its pretty cool, but I'll keep you guys posted cya

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So today was the first full day of classes and me getting up at 5:45 means I was exhausted my first class of the day is planning 10 with Ms.mORRIS WHO WAS AT pARKLAND LAST Year and in that class there are 30 students and 4 of them are guys its pretty funny, maths okay so far cause we have a cool sub and science we have a test tomorrow its retarded but wateve I got to spend my blk4 on the field tanning with a friend while watching the wood class work on their projects outside which a couple of my friends are in, so ya today was an okay day and I think I'm going to like Stelly's but I'll keep ya guys posted, Cya

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


So I know i havent posted in a while i just found my username and password so ya . . . . anyways I'm goin to Stelly's now and i have three counsellors and i hate psychatrists, but wateves i have to put up wit them. Anyways I gunna go but I'll post more regularily I hope.